Kpopper, ELF(NOT an "only13"), Jewel/Anchovie, ELFish, Gamer, Hyohunnie, Fanytastic, Inspirit, Sone (not one of the crazy ones), Affection, Hottest, VIP, Shawol, Jumping BoA, EunHae, HyoHyuk, MinHyuk/EunMin, KyuHae, HaeFany, TaeTeuk,..., somehow a pseudo otaku who loves to read, draw and write. I love also other groups like Teen Top, 4Minute, MBLAQ, Beast, Davichi, 2NE1, Miss A, U-Kiss... It might be really weird but I'm also a Gleek who loves The Hunger Games, The Vampire Diaries, Percy Jackson, FFXII, Meg Cabot books and a lot of other random things XD. Just a very dreamy girl but, although all, really focused ^^

Me: crybaby, romantic, very sensitive, a little bipolar, very supple, really optimist at the biggest part of time (but when not, I'm really pessimist/ this is why my friends call me bipolar >.<), I can be funny but also really boring (depend a lot of who is with me, if the person is kind and talkative I'll be funny, kind and talkative too, if the person is way too shy or doesn't have much interest about becoming my friend I'll try, but if we don't have nothing in common, then I might ended up being boring, not because I want, it's just, no subject), nerd(>.<), open with my feelings (sometimes too much), pseudo blonde (I used to be truly blonde when I was a child, until, what? my 8 years old? then it started getting dark, now it's dark blonde/ light brown T.T), very clumsy (onew condition ^^) and I know how to be really annoying (especially with my oppa (elder bro)^^)... what else can I tell about me... ah, I speak english and I love it ^^, now I'm also learning hangul (*O*)... well, I think it's all xD. then, it's me. Hope you guys enjoy my fics ^^


Review é de graça, não dói e faz bem ao coração... Dê seu incentivo.

Review é como voto, o seu conta mais do que você imagina!


  • ID: #95995
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 30 de jul. de 2011 11:32
  • 1 comentários destacados pelos autores