Do not underestimate me. You have no idea what i'm capable of ;)

Love OUAT, LOTR, Lana Parrilla, Jennifer Morrison, many other series (more than i can write here), movies, chocolate and rock n' roll...

Singular things i like: comics, horses, storms, swords, maps, masks, celtic music(yes, i love it), magic and fantasy... also boobs (but that's a secret xD)

What i like to do most: ride horses, write, draw, read, watch series(that's pretty obvious) and stay with the people i care about... "Love is the most powerful magic of all..." ;)

Keep calm and be an EVIL REGAL!

And also, a Swan Queen shipper ;)

  • ID: #370399
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 19 de set. de 2013 11:16
  • 2 comentários destacados pelos autores