Fighter Profile:

Name: Igor "Ig-X" do Carmo

Birthday: 24/06/91 (27 years old)

Height: 184cm (6"2')

Weight: 83Kg

Blood Type: O+, Orochi

Birthplace: Brazil

Personal treasures: His Monowheel.

Dislikes:Nazis, Skinheads, Thiefs, Nodes and other motherfuckers

Fighting Style: Martial Arts and Archery.

Power: Teleporting, high speed and powerful aura

Character History:

Ig-X, the history of a capoeirista who clings to archery after being betrayed, stabbed and run over. After that Igor do Carmo adopted a nickname called Ig-X, devoted his life to be a killer skinheads and other motherfuckers. He overhalls costumes, boots, a T-shirt detailed in orange and has her hair short he is tall, thin before, but actually stronger, an oxygen mask. One of his enemies called DS
He is rivethead, but has its very varied musical preferences. He hears EBM, Dance, Trance, Drum and Bass, Miami Bass, Dubstep, Techino and many styles of electronic music. He's other personality by your mind, Which he calls the Overlord Ig X, where he assumes a cannibalistic profile, an excellent killer who overcame his shortcomings.

"Nothing can stop me, i'm a beast!" - Overlord Ig X

  • ID: #368222
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 13 de set. de 2013 09:35