The thing about Peter Pan is, boy, he's a coward. He had the chance of a lifetime and he bottled it. Just fucked off back to Neverland. All alone forever, he was, by his own hand. Poor old Wendy, she had to grow old without him. Fucking tragedy, if you ask me. Well, I suppose... you're old enough and, well, you're ugly enough to make your own decisions. Or make your own mistakes. That's all I have. It's up to you now, son. Stay or run. Just look after yourself, eh, boy?

— Skins

As histórias sob autoria de Kaya Levesque infelizmente não serão mais atualizadas. Entretanto, por respeito àqueles que gostam, não irei excluí-las, para que possam revisitá-las sempre que sentirem vontade. Deixo aqui meu adeus e sinceros agradecimentos aos leitores. Continuem maravilhosos. Beijinhos e obrigada por tudo.

— Kaya

  • ID: #350919
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 31 de jul. de 2013 21:19
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