My name is Caroline, but, (please) call me Carol, Carou, Carolis, Caroles, LESS Caroline

I'm fan of sherlock, percy jackson (cabin 10), the hunger games (i do not know yet), the selection (i don't know too) and nickelback.

I love music, books, llamas, food, fics, sleep, love, hals, dance, brigadeiro, coffe and watermelon juice

My favorite music is remembering sunday - all time low

My favorite book is... i don't know, maybe dear john - nicholas sparks

My favorite ships are: charles and silena, chris and clarisse, clarisse and silena (yeah), luke and thalia, percy and nico, percy and annabeth, leo and calipso, leo and reyna, ares and aphrodite, hephaestus and aphrodite reyna and jason, justin and selena, gale and katniss (don't kill me)

And i don't know what more write

Yeah, i don't know many things

  • ID: #302772
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 13 de abr. de 2013 23:35
  • 2 comentários destacados pelos autores