"Getaway, runaway, fly away lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway" - The Poet and the Pendulum

Olá, eu sou uma pessoa com um terrível bloqueio para escrever, que procrastina até não poder mais - prazer em conhecê-los.

Metal Gear Solid; A Song of Ice and Fire; Resident Evil; Harry Potter; Chocolate; Homeland; Downton Abbey; Axis Powers Hetalia; Death Note; Black Dagger Brotherhood; Final Fantasy VII, X, XII; Nightwish; Epica, Kamelot; Star Wars; Inkworld Trilogy; Lord of the Rings; Inglourious Basterds; Dexter; House M.D; Tony Stark; Millennium Trilogy; Supernatural; Sherlock Holmes; A-ha; Silent Hill; The Phantom of the Opera; Misha Collins; Persona 4; Tuomas Holopainen; Albert Wesker; Ocelot; L; Rehvenge; Jensen Ackles; Bradley Cooper; Peter Bishop; Mikael Blomkvist; Vishous; Ice Truck Killer; Loki; Butch O'Neal; Thor; Sephiroth; Hans Landa; Deb Morgan; Frank Lundy; Aragorn; Judge Gabranth; Charlie Francis; Balthier; Basch; Dean e John Winchester; Castiel; Gabriel; Gilbert/Prussia; Roderich/Austria; Neal Caffrey; Lost; Vincent Valentine; Auron, Cid Highwind; Sawyer; Desmond Hume; Morten Harket; Castle; Prison Break; Fringe; Michael Fassbender/James McAvoy; Erik/Charles; France/England; Doctor Who; Ser Jaime Lannister;

  • ID: #18004
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 9 de jul. de 2009 00:10