My name is Liliana Lima, I have brown eyes, brown hair, my favorite brand of sneakers is obvious that the SUPRA, favorite brand of clothing does not have. Hear one thing that left me thinking ... ... ... ... ... In a conversation with my father, my father told me: He had a childhood with financial difficulties, but God gave him a gift, the gift of knowing how to sing. And it has a pleasant voice. - I thought. Had the opportunity - as each one has - to radically change your life. Had the opportunity to become famous, to show the world the talent he has, to help the family to realize his dream. He grabbed the opportunity and your dream seguio although some people call him "gay", but he followed his dream. He got up a lot in his career and has millions of fans. His name is Justin Drew Bieber, a boy of 18 years, pretty, with brown eyes that could melt any girl, even those who claim to dislike. @ Justinbieber is a phenomenon.
  • ID: #167034
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 19 de jun. de 2012 13:23