Sobre mim...

Julia, 18, São Paulo. Boba, infantil e anormal.

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Adoro :

Doctor Who. Sherlock. The 100. Arrow. Reign. Skins. Orphan Black. Lost Girl. Teen Wolf. Gossip Girl. Castle. Bones. The Royals. Once Upon a Time. The Originals. The Vampire Diaries. Pretty Little Liars. The Secret Circle. Supernatural. Merlin. Game of Thrones. American Horror Story. My Mad Fat Diary. The Hour.The Legend of Korra. The Last Airbender.

Harry Potter. Percy Jackson. The Fault in our Stars. Looking for Alaska. Paper Towns.The Hunger Games. The Maze Runner. Kanes. Narnia. Stolen. Divergent. Fallen. Book Thief. Winter Girls. His Dark Materials.The Host. Eleanor and Park.

Disney. DreamWorks. Marvel. Youtubers.

  • ID: #121692
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 27 de dez. de 2011 16:38
  • 3 comentários destacados pelos autores