
It was the final round. Jungkook stared at the board that was showing the scores made till now. Gryffindor needed to win Slytherin and the quidditch cup, after 2 years losing it to them. He looked at the crowd that was screaming his name, with golden snitch draws in their faces, red and golden hats, and even some ravenclaw and hufflepuff cheering and singing the chants. A drop of sweat ran down his face and his chest was going up and down as breathing fast-growing.

So much pressure.

He searched for Namjoon’s eyes at the crowd and found him next to Taehyung, who was wearing for the first time in five years the colors of some other house that was not yours – the feeling of not seeing him with the common blue and silver was strange, and he remembered the words that the boy said earlier to him:

I’m not using these fucking colors for nothing, Jeon Jungkook. So you MUST win this game and make Park Jimin lose that pose. I want to walk down in the hallway with a shirt with your face in it and feel a deadly look in me, and then show him my tongue and, maybe, my finger.

Namjoon gave the boy a slap in the head right away and then put his left hand on Jungkook's shoulder, and it was like everything was worth it, because no matter what happened, JK would always have him by his side – and when the oldest smiled, showing his dimples, Jungkook felt the typical shiver in his body. No words were said, but a peaceful vibe settled between the two, and the youngest felt like was capable of anything.

Jeon shook his head and remembered that the game was still going on, and the earlier he finished that, the earlier he would be able to spend quality time with Kim Namjoon, telling about how scary it is be flying in a broom at high speed, and listening about how brave he is for doing that – be praised was the activity that he most like, but when was Namjoon doing it… he absolutely could live just hearing the boy telling how amazing he was.

His eyes went to the blonde guy not so far from him, with that annoying smile and nose in the air, standing in his broom like it was nothing. Like it was a typical Friday, and he had more important things to do after that, and was there just because was doing some favor for someone.

Jungkook always had difficulty understanding how that guy was the captain of the time, and how he was beloved by professors, some students and had so many friends. The only people that he knew that were not his fans were some gryffindor colleagues and best friends.

If there was a spell to wipe that horrible smile from his horrendous face…

The sound announcing the last match was heard and Jungkook flyed through the field, at first wishing that he was tricking his rival, but then, the golden snitch appeared in a glance, circling him twice and stopping right in front of him, like he was saying in a smooth voice: what? you can’t do it? what Namjoon is gonna think?

That snitch became an enemy right away, cause nobody but him knew about The Feelings, and catching him was a honor Thing at that point. So, he stretched his hand and went a little further, feeling the soft wings beating fast, already hearing the screams and his captain threatening to pass out. Finally a victory. Finally something that it’s gonna guarantee his ‘’golden boy’’ title. It was finally happening.


Jungkook felt an air pass by him, and his head turned right in time to see Park Jimin shaking his hands together, flying close to Slytherin's crowd and following the field turning into a green-silver sea. The screams. The chants. The Park Jimin echoed in that enormous place.

He saw the guy going down and being carried by his teammates, with laughs and happy tears.

All the gryffindors were in shock. They didn’t move for a long time, as the ravenclaws and hufflepuffs at their sides. The feeling of hope that was there during the week, disappeared in seconds – and Jungkook could swear that he heard Taehyung curse everyone on the rival team, and he would even bet that his friend tried to grab his wand, but Namjoon probably stopped him before anything happened.

Jungkook got down on the floor and went with his team mates, who hugged him and offered a painful smile. He knew that no one there was judging him, but the crowd… he felt the eyes, like the other games that Jimin finished before him. He knew that he was about to deal with more whispers, and secret hate notes, and this kind of thing – like his own thoughts with guilt and how bad he was in the thing that he most loved, wasn’t enough.

— Good game, guys! We did great, really. I know that we're gonna deal with some mean comments right now, but you know that we did our best, and anything that happens you guys tell me right away. — Steve said to us, being the wonderful captain that he always was — Just us, and the other players, know how hard it is to be here and play for hours with anxiety, pressure, and this kind of stuff. And we still have to celebrate, right? So, the party at the common room it’s going to happen and I want to see everyone there! — he looked at Jungkook and blinked one eye, offering a comforting smile.

Everybody started to chat and talk about how they hate Jimin, what was funny because one of them was really close to the boy, but she always said that: ‘’the friendship stop when I put my foot in the field’’.

— You can curse him, I can give you some bad things to gossip around! — Amelia said.

— I’m okay! — Jungkook laughed. — Yes, he is a pain in the ass, but it’s just me hating someone for no reason. And the little respect that I have for him it’s because he is a good player, so…

— The son of a bitch it’s a real player, I hate how bragged he will be today.

— Hey, if you want some help punching him I know that one of my friends would love to do that!

— Really? Which one? The Big Guy or the Scary Guy?

— I supposed that the big guy it’s Namjoon, the guy with dimples and the best in our house.

— Yes, I call him Super Cute Nerd too.

— But it was the Scary Guy I’m talking about… Taehyung. And why is he scary?

— I don’t know. The dude just sleeps in public with his eyes open, and has a mysterious face… Did you know that some 1st graders started a rumor about him being a vampire? — Jungkook, who at this point forgot about the game, laughed out loud and turned into a mission to make this rumor grow even more.

— Talking about the devil — his friends were coming, and Tae seemed mad with Namjoon, that gesture like he was a single dad calling out his 5 years who made something wrong.

When the two of them arrived close enough, smiles emerged on their faces and he was not ready to listen the pity speech, so started to talk about something else to avoid the subject:

— Did you know that you are being investigated for being a vampire?


— What about we give more material to people?

— I say: Let’s do it! Oh my God, how cool it’s this? It’s the dream!

— The Dream? You are telling me that The Dream of a life is to be investigated as a vampire? — Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

— Excuse me for not thinking like everybody else. — Taehyung said and the other just rolled his eyes. — Let 's go, buddy? We have to give you comfort and these kinds of things.

— Like what?

— Punch a pillow pretending it’s Park Jimin. — Tae pet him on the head.

— I’m starting to think that this hate is love, actually… — Namjoon started the walk, saying that with a malicious smile, and Jungkook felt lucky because his cheek was showing a dimple.

— Look, Joon, yes, he is a pretty guy. And yes, I already thought about something. And yes, he may be a good kisser. But the hate is real, the fact that I would not deny a kiss to him, doesn't change anything.

Taehyung started to tell about the line of hate and love that he made by himself in one of the insomnia nights, and Jungkook chose to fade out and just enjoy the view.

It was sunset time, around 5 p.m., which meant that the sun was giving us an exclusive show of his different colors – a sea of light yellow, strong orange and a scientific thing that turned the sky into a beautiful pink with purple strings. The spring air was warm, and the smell of the forest, with a diversity of flowers and fruits, completed the atmosphere. If he had to listen what was the 5 things he most love at the school would be: 1) the food; 2) the trips to Hogsmeade at the winter; 3) the scapes with Taehyung to see the stars at the Astronomy Tower; 4) the sunsets along the seasons, different every time; 5) the studies with Namjoon at his bedroom, even if they were in different years, the oldest would help him (and he almost always lied about difficult in the grade).

By the time that they stopped in front of the heavy and brown door, which had beautiful details like it was made by fairies, it was almost dinner time, and the students were walking in the main hall – and the slytherins in particular were more annoying than usual.

When the three friends entered in the hall, Yoongi called for Taehyung and started a chat with him:

— Where the hell were you, Kim Taehyung? — the guy was shorter than Tae but still caused chills at the youngest.

— I was enjoying my young life watching my best friend lose a game, why?

— We had an appointment in the library for mentor study, you idiot.

— Ooooh, true! I forgot, I’m soooo sorry. Can we meet tomorrow? — Taehyung made his puppy eyes and got his hands close, meaning that he was begging.

Yoongi just sighed and nodded

— Okay, it’s your last chance! I’m serious this time!

— You are the best, Min Yoongi! You are the most brilliant and beautiful guy that exists and I love you! — Taehyung said fast and kissed Yoongi’s head, doing the same with Jungkook, and with Namjoon a cheek kiss, giving no time for anyone to response, because he was already gone in the crowd.

— I don’t know how you guys can stand him… I am taking care of him for just two months and some days if I don’t take a deep breath, I think a curse it’s about to happen — the oldest closed his eyes for a second. — Anyway, how was the game?

— Not good— Namjoon said. He was always nervous when the other was close, and Jungkook knew it because he knew Joon with his eyes closed, and when the boy started to tap the fingers on his thighs, move the nose every second and giggle for nothing, that was not a good sign.

That thought made Jungkook’s heart bounce in a bad way. A way that Taehyung would say was the disease of jealousy. And the worst part was that he could not blame Namjoon, because Yoongi was really a guy to look forward to – he was smart, not just in school, but he also was a musician and a writer; and his beauty was… Something. With his cat eyes, and his deep voice which could make everyone in a loud room stop to listen to him, and his hair that was always changing in size or color, but The Thing was his smile. Min Yoongi wasn’t a smile-guy himself, and he just showed his teeth when absolutely necessary, but at the moment that he do that all the person will be able to hear is an adorable giggle with a gummy smile, capable to make any heart melt.

‘’Yeah… I really cannot blame Joon.’’

Jungkook spent so much time into his thoughts – again – that the other two started a whole conversation about a grade that he didn’t have yet. And with the intention of ignoring that feeling, he started to nod from time to time, searching for Taehyung, praying for Whoever to bring his best friend to him quickly.

He was staring a couple kissing in the corner when Yoongi clapped his hands in front of his face:

— Hm?

— Are you anxious about next year, Jeon?

— Kinda… but it will be my sixty year and that… It is a big deal.

— Nah, it’s the same people and professors, just closer to finish school.

— And this makes me nervous.

— Can I tell you a secret? — Yoongi whispered — me too. I mean, I have been here since I was 11 years old. How am I supposed to know how to act out of these walls? I don’t know if you guys noticed but I am terrible with people, my first and second year was a nightmare.

— I felt bad for you, that was why I started chatting. — Namjoon said.

— Yep, but I will not have you out there, my life-guard. — Jungkook rolled his eyes while turning himself to stare at the Saloon, that was loud and indicating that the dinner was about to start, and he just started to walk, wishing to be alone with Namjoon soon.

— See you guys later? Jihyo called me for a party in the gryffindor room, since you lost I don’t know if… — Yoongi stopped when they came closer to the tables, indicating that he wouldn’t enjoy them at the wrong table.

— It will happen. — Jungkook remembered to give his sister a slap after this.

They waved, letting Jungkook and Namjoon at their table. A last search for a messy and brown hair into the ravenclaw table, but with no victory, was the signal to Jungkook to conforme himself that again he had lost Taehyung for his secret adventures.

‘’Maybe he is a vampire and is taking blood in some room…’’


— Stop!

— You are just adorable, Jungkook! How can someone be so mad eating something that they actually liked? — Namjoon started his talk about Jungkook’s expressions, one of his favorite topics.

— If I didn’t know you two I would say that you guys are a really cute couple — Jihyo, Jungkook 's younger sister, said. She laughed when noticed the boy turned into a tomato.

Saved by the bell, he smiled when smelled the chocolate air that was the mark of Taehyung, and not one second later, the boy was putting a slice of meat pie into his mouth and smiling for a student from second year who was looking suspicious.

— Where were you? — Jungkook asked.

— Everywhere. Anywhere. Maybe I am not here. Maybe I am.

— Your shirt is unbuttoned. — Namjoon had arched eyebrow.

Jungkook took time to revisit his friend with his eyes. He seemed tired and blushed; his clothes were crumpled and his blue coat was gone; his paint face was messed up.


Taehyung choked.

— Are you insane?

— Or this, or you are really a vampire!

Taehyung was about to say something, but he just stood up and went to his house table. Soon the dinner was finished, and the students went for their common rooms, getting ready for the parties that would happen.

The Gryffindor room was filled with decorations in the house colors, and with four tables in each corner that had food, drinks and cups, but in his room Jungkook could just listen to the search for music that was going on downstairs. His bed was full of clothes, none good enough for him. He wanted to call Taehyung right away, but he was not sure in what terms they were – so he would have to be happy by himself.

He was looking in the mirror, using a black loose shirt with red strings on the sleeves, a black pants, and combat boots.

‘’That is good, right? Simple, but nice.’’

The boy made a silly face, and shaked his shoulders. More he looked, the more he wouldn’t like – and, unless he was prepared to loan some of Jihyo's clothes, being happy with his style for the night was necessary.

By the time that Jungkook got downstairs, his sister was already welcoming the guests – from others houses, and her own. The room had a good light, and he searched for Taehyung, hoping that the big-eyes-and-out would help him again, but all that he could see was Jung Hoseok waving to him with all the energy ever.

Namjoon didn’t go either, and he knew that he had to stay there at least for one and a half hour, for the team and for her sister, who was already giving him a mad look – so he got a drink and talked with some people about the end of one more year, about the game, cursed slytherin a little, and was having a good time. But his energy ended by one point, and he sat on the couch for some alone time.

— Are you free now or…?

Jungkook looked up to see Min Yoongi with his straight face, but fun eyes, offering him a cupcake.

— I’m a busy man, sorry — he accepted the cake and slid to the right, giving the other some space.

— I see. You are really the star, hm? They really care about you, it’s funny, actually, because you just lost the game.

— Are you trying to get your ass kicked?

— I just think it’s funny that everything that the golden boy does, it’s something to cheer for. Even if it was a loss. They really care about you, Jeon. — Jungkook mumbled — maybe some jealousy? I was never good at sports, just basketball, but this is not important here.

— Namjoon showed me this game once… it seems hard.

— It 's physics.

— So… hard.

Yoongi laughed and Jungkook never heard a more lovely sound. For one moment he forgot that they were bickering.

— I can teach you some day if you want.

— Only if you let me see you fall off the broom, because if I’m gonna make a fool by myself, you should do it too.

— Fair enough — the oldest gave the hand to the boy, who shook, closing the deal.

They kept the silence for minutes, and it was comforting somehow – different than usually would be with someone that Jungkook hadn’t any intimacy with. It was like they were friends for a long time, laughing when something funny to them, but normal to others, happened.

— You know about Taehyung? — Jungkook broke the silence.

— I thought he would be here, but I saw him going to the slytherin party. — Yoongi regretted what he said in the moment that he saw the boy’s face turning sad. — But maybe he will stop by… I don’t know.

He excused himself and got up, going in the bathroom direction. He needed to wash his face and curse Taehyung for that.

‘’Slytherin party? Really, Taehyung? Are you this childish?’’

Jungkook didn’t know how much time he spent there, but the anger didn’t go away – and he couldn’t stop a giggle about the irony of being a skeptical, and still be heard from the Universe about his needs when Taehyung entered in the room seconds after he wished to give him a punch on the stomach.

They crossed their eyes, with silent curses. Both feeling betrayed (Taehyung not remembering why anymore). It was like the time in the first year when Jungkook put fire on his friend's hair, and after a fight and three weeks of suspension, they became inseparable.

It was like watching two animals hunting, waiting for the other to let them guard off, and then attack. But, at this time, Jungkook was the one who made the first move offering peace, when he came closer with a mix of juices that Taehyung liked:

— Why were you at the slytherin party?

— Yoongi is a low key gossip, what a man.

— Tell me and this delicious and disgusting drink will become yours — the boy was playing with the cup.

— Manipulation? I thought the gryffindors were the pure heart ones.

— Tell me!

— I stopped to see a friend who asked me.

— What friend? I know all your friends.

— I am a popular boy, Kook.

— What is with you and all these secrets?

— In the right time I will tell you, by now you should content yourself with this food that I stole from there. — Taehyung showed his hands that were full with fancy finger foods.

They sat on the floor, sharing the food and laughing about stories of earlier times that Taehyung saw in the crowd. They didn’t notice when the party was over, and just realized that the night was over when the first glimpse of the sun lit up the room — Jungkook was sleeping on Taehyung’s shoulders, a thread of saliva running down the mouth.

Este é o último capítulo disponível... por enquanto! A história ainda não acabou.