Ela estava de olhos abertos, encarando o teto e o ventilador que balançava lentamente. Já havia tomado banho, dado uma desculpa pra fugir da piscina.

A verdade é que nem ela sabia quem era. Como as outras pessoas iriam saber? Vivia escondendo coisas dela mesma, compondo para ninguém.

Sentada naquela escrivaninha, ela começou com a escrita. Seu violão estava ao lado.

Have something cold and blank

Behind her smile

She's standing on an overpass

In a miracle mile

Cause you were from a perfect world

A world that's threw me away today, today, today,

To run away

A pill to make you numb

A pill to make you dumb

A pill to make you anybody else

But all the drugs in this world

Won't save you from herself

Her mouth was an empty cut

She was waiting to fall

Just bleeding like a poloroid

That lost all her dolls

You are from a perfect world

A world that's threw me away today, today, today,

To run away

A pill to make you numb

A pill to make you dumb

A pill to make you anybody else

But all the drugs in this world

Won't save you from herself

You are from a perfect world

A world that's threw me away today

A pill to make you numb

A pill to make you dumb

A pill to make you anybody else

But all the drugs in this world

Won't save you from herself

A pill to make you numb

A pill to make you dumb

A pill to make you anybody else

But all the drugs in this world

Won't save you from herself

But who are herself?

Terminada. Agora, havia muito sangue, pó, cacos de vidro e alguns whiskys acabados. No violão, uuma melodia havia sido feita. Ela gravou a melodia e a letra num gravador velho que tinha.

Uma xícara de chocolate quente depois, muitos espíritos apareceram para conversar.

Mesmo a filha de Hades não querendo conversar, e muito menos com eles.