[Billie's POV]

Eu ando me drogando demais, bebendo demais, fumando demais. Eu só faço isso pra me dar inspiração e pra minimizar as dores que a saudade da Adrienne e da Glória me fazem. Elas são, mesmo que indiretamente, a causa de eu estar enlouquecendo. Minha família já está cheia das minhas reclamações e acham que o problema é eu estar "crescendo". Enquanto na banda, o Mike e o Tré tão me cobrando mais atenção, mais responsabilidade, mais pontualidade, mas não dá! Estou estressado, estou com raiva do mundo, com raiva de todos! Raiva da Adrienne por morar longe, raiva da Glória por ter saido da minha vida desse jeito e principalmente raiva de mim por ser esse lixo inútiu. E tudo piorou hoje, com essa mensagem de voz na minha secretária eletrônica:

- Alô? Billie, quando você chegar... olha na verdade, não me liga. É que houve um problema, eu não tinha te contado que eu estava saindo com um cara e agora ele me pediu em noivado. E eu aceitei, pra não magoar ele, mas eu vou explicar pra ele a situação, relexa. Só me dá um tempo, ok? Semana que vem eu te ligo. - e a mensagem acabou

Maravilha, né? Vadia. Será que nada da certo pra mim? Argh, que raiva. Passei a noite dirigindo pelas ruas, sem sono e sem vontade de compor... mas chegou uma hora em que a inspiração veio, cheia do ódio junto, e eu compus três músicas de uma só vez. A primeira se chama Burnout:

"I declare I don't care no more

I'm burning up and out growing bored

In my smoked out boring room

My hair is shagging in my eyes

Dragging my feet to hit the street tonight

To drive along these shit town lights

I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead

Apathy has rained on me

Now I'm feeling like a soggy dream

So close to drowning but I don't mind

I've lived inside this mental cave

Throw my emotions in the grave

Hell, who needs them anyway

I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead

I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead


I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead

I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out

And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead


E também escrevi a letra de Having a Blast:

"I'm taking all you down with me

Explosive duct taped to my spine

Nothing's gonna change my mind

I won't listen to anyone's last words

There's nothind left for you to say

Soon you'll be dead anyway

Well no one here is getting out alive

This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care

So close your eyes

And kiss yourself goodbye

And think about the times you spent and what they've meant

To me it's nothing (several x)

I'm losing all my happiness

The happiness YOU pinned on my

Loneliness still comforts me

My anger DWELLS inside of me

I'm taking it all out on you and all the shit you put me


So no one here is getting out alive

This time I've lost my mind and I don't care

So close your eyes

And kiss yourself goodbye

And think about the times you spent and what they've meant

To me it's nothing (several x)

Do you ever think back to another time ?

Does it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind ?

Do you ever want to lead a long trail of destruction and now


any BULLSHIT that confronts you ?

Do you ever build up all the small things in your head

To make one problem that adds up to NOTHING

To me it's nothing (several x)"

E a terceira música eu escrevi inspirado em dois filhos da puta. O tal do cara que está namorando a MINHA Glória Haushinka e o tal do cara que pediu MINHA Adrienne Nesser em noivado.

"I don't know you

But, I think I hate you

You're the reason for

my misery

Strange how you've become

my biggest enemy

And I've never even seen

your face

Maybe it's just jealousy

Mixing up with a violent mind

A circumstance that doesn't

make much sense

Or maybe I'm just dumb

You're the cloud hanging out

over my head

Hail comes crashing down

welting my face

magic man, egocentric

plastic man

Yet you still got one over

on me.

Maybe it's just jealousy

Mixing up with a violent mind

A circumstance that doesn't

make much sense

Or maybe I'm just dumb"

É, estou realmente morto de raiva desse mundo doentio.