A Promessa

Game Of Hades - Leonor Estrela.

Mix reality and conficcion

Insane and illusion

Bravure and fear

Dark and clear

You know it’s not real

You know it’s not fiction

What to believe?

It’s not Just a game

Because if plays with as life

Notice your mistakes

So what you did wrong

If not... you’re gonna be the next

Bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip

This is the game of lies, of truth, of daunts

Who’s gonna be the next?

No one’s dead or alive

In the game of hades

Bipe bipe bipe

who’s gonna be the next?

Bipe bipe bipe

who’s gonna be the next?

Forget everything you know

About games

About life

About death

Who’s gonna be the next?

No one’s sure about everything

In the games of hades

Bipe bipe bipe

who’s gonna be the next?

Bipe bipe bipe

who’s gonna be the next?

Get ready really ready

Cause you’ve already enter

And you can’t quit

You have to win this shit

Este é o último capítulo disponível... por enquanto! A história ainda não acabou.